Roofing Products in East Texas

Gordy Roofing uses only the highest quality residential & commercial roofing products and materials for our installations, repairs and maintenance of residential and commercial roofs in the East Texas region. Below you can find more information some of the products that we use.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt Singles TX

Gordy Roofing offers GAF roofing products with more than 76% of homeowners in East Texas said to prefer asphalt singles to other roofing types.

GAF Products

GAF Certified TX

GAF rооfіng рrоduсtѕ include a selection of different styles and uses, as well as being very popular with GAF shingles.

Mule Hide Certified

Mulehide Certified Roofing TX

Gordy Roofing Inc. is a proud Mule Hide Certified commercial roofer, one of the  leading roofing manufacturers in the commercial industry.

Certainteed Products

Certainteed Products TX

The CertainTeed Cоrроrаtіоn in Pеnnѕуlvаnіа, is a manufacturer оf building mаtеrіаlѕ for construction of rеѕіdеntіаl and commercial properties.

GAF Master Certified

GAF Certified TX

Gordy Roofing has partnered with GAF to provide top quality roofing products to protect and also improve your home’s exterior.

Standing Seam Roofing

Standing Seam Roofing TX

Standing Seam roofing is a popular choice with home and business owners due to its  durability, attractive features, versatility and long life.